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the weather outside is frightful | but the fire is so delightful


The weather outside is frightful, but there's no fire to make things delightful. The thunder rattles the windows and the lights flicker when the lightning flashes. Only 1:30 in the afternoon, yet it looks like night, such are the clouds. Even though it's horrid outside, we still have the air conditioning going. Why, I don't know. It's set just below comfortable so that while it doesn't seem bad at first, the longer one sits, the colder one gets. Outside, it really is very bad. I want nothing more than to curl up in front of a fire with a mug of hot chocolate (with marshmallows, of course) with a good book and the dogs as foot warmers.

Instead, here I am at work, shivering. C'est la vie. And someone has set a bowl of gumdrops outside my office door, which I cannot resist each time I exit and enter. Nevermind the Christmas weight; I will gain 10 lbs just today.

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