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double double toil and trouble


When I think that I am starting to feel comfortable with Russian, I pass the instructors chatting with each other on my way out. They're not quiet, so it's easy to overhear their conversation. And all of my confidence goes right out of the window when I hear their still seemingly nonsensical babble in a language that I am supposedly learning. They speak so fast - how am I ever going to get anywhere being able to understand that, much less be able to even approximate it myself? Argh.

However, I'm still in a good mood because right now I am listening to Buckbeak's Flight from "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", one of my favorite songs from all of the soundtracks. So, it's all good.

Although, in shifting the iPod, I just realized that one of the earphone cords is stuck in my earring. Only me.

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