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still on vacation


Here I is, back from vacation. As always, it was way too short. Two other people in my office are also just back after a vacation, and we all agree that while we may look here, we're really not. That's the biggest problem with returning from vacations for me - I'm always wishing it was a week ago. A week ago I was on a plane heading out. A week ago I was water skiing.

However, I did miss my dog, and he evidently missed me. I think he was overwhelmed this weekend because he is being unusually clingy, not leaving my side for an instant and attempting to climb into my lap at every opportunity (or what he thought was an opportunity).

The funniest quote (for me, at least) from this weekend came by way of Becca's four-year-old sister. She has a bouncy playground-type ball, nearly as big as she is, with a picture of Dora the Explorer in a princess costume on it, riding a unicorn. I kept trying to convince her that it wasn't her Dora ball, but my princess and unicorn ball. She wasn't having any of that. Finally, frustrated with trying to make me understand, she exclaimed, "You can't have the ball, you have to find a boyfriend!" Even a four-year-old knows my love life is pathetic. Too cute.

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