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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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i never claimed to be sherlock holmes


It's not yet 4 a.m., not yet two hours into my shift, and I've already eaten the food that I brought with me. But then, it's not that surprising considering what I've eaten since Friday: two burritos, two bowls of salad, half a foccacia, a couple of peanut butter & jelly sandwiches. That's it for six days. But when I'm not feeling well, I don't eat. The only reason that I even ate that much was because Becca made the foccacia and salad. In one sense, it has been good because I haven't gone out to eat, so that's saved me some money.

So, yes, I'm back. Sorta. If I wasn't working console (and the night shift at that), I think that I would have stayed home for the rest of the week. My voice is better, my cough is less, I'm not using quite so many tissues, but I'm not completely better. I didn't have to work earlier because they were able to find people last minute to take over my shifts. Yay for that.

Also yay for someone who has returned from a hiatus of five months of not updating her blog. Well, at least for March. Diaryland lets you see when someone on your buddy list has updated, so each time I've logged in in the past month, it's shown me that she she had updated, but let's face it, I'm not exactly known for my powers of observation. In fact, on Monday I completely missed Becca walking right past me with an armload of freshly-laundered sheets to put on my bed (which was so very nice of her). Earth to Cari...

And to whomever has a hot microphone in the control room, I can hear you typing and it's really annoying!!! STOP IT.

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