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hail houston


I drove home today by feel literally. It'd been raining (and hailing!) off and on all day and, as I'd intelligently left my umbrella in the car, I took advantage of the break in weather around 4 to run an errand and go home; I wanted to try and find yarn in Gryffindor colors (burgundy/gold) for my scarf-to-be before ordering off the internet. Thus it was that I was out on the road when the sky fell down around 5. I have never, never, never been out in such a bad rainstorm; it was literally impossible to see at times, even with the wipers on high, between the pounding downpour and the wind throwing sheets of water over the windshield. Then it started to hail. I used the yellow lane line and the lights of the car in front of me as guides, until it turned off the street, so then it was me leading a line of cars. Finally, it started to lighten up when I turned onto the side road, but just when I was ready to think I'd make it home, I found that the road was rather flooded in places, and the truck in front of me didn't help matters by nearly coming to a complete stop in the deepest part. But, I'm home now, safe and sound, and not about to head out. It's just me, the dogs, and Stargate. Makings of a pretty good evening.

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