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thanksgiving with the kranzs


Yesterday, my officemates surprised me with brownies and triple chocolate ice cream for a belated birthday celebration. Mmm...

If you happen to have a spare 18 minutes laying around anywhere, this is a good way to spend them. It helps if you've seen Apollo 13.

Backstory from one of the guys in the video who now works in Mission Control:
This started with a funny idea we had about a year and a half ago, and then some friends with video equipment wanted to film it. It's a parody of Apollo 13, replacing "flying to the moon" with "cooking Thanksgiving dinner." I'm biased, I know, but it's quite well put together. And Gene Kranz himself loved it enough to show it at his family's Thanksgiving this year.

The funny thing is, 25% of the people in this movie eventually went on to work in the STS or ISS programs.

Bon app�tit!

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