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a black cat ran in front of me while walking under a ladder and other stories of randomness


Today, I'm off to a great start. So far, I've overslept, made an illegal U-turn, and ran a red light (tho' not a "stale" one; it turned red as I entered the intersection). Woo hoo!

Hi, Jo! I tried to wave at you this morning when I saw you driving, but you didn't see me. :( Oh well.

My dad's birthday was yesterday, and while it may seem like I'm a horrible daughter for mentioning it today, I did call him yesterday, so I'm not completely hopeless, just mostly. Happy birthday, dad! He went to work on his birthday, while I'm going to see if maybe I can ditch on mine (which is next Wednesday, for anyone wanting to get me a present - hint, hint :).

I always feel bad when I am coming back from Russian and meet my coworkers. Since my class is 9:15-10:15 and I walz back into the office around 10:30, it's early enough that, conceivably, I could actually just be arriving and if I cared what they thought, I'd be worried that they thought that I was coming in late, when I'm not. But I don't care what other people think. No, not me! ;)

My left hand was visibly shaking this morning. I was a little freaked out. My officemate told me that hers has done it on occasion, usually related to low blood sugar. Is that an excuse to eat chocolate, or what? Except, today is the first day of Lent and being the good little Catholic that I am (try not to laugh, please), I've decided to give up...sweets. We'll see how far I make it. Except on my birthday. I think that there's a clause somewhere that states if thy date of birth doth falleth within the boundaries of the 40 days known as Lent, then, upon that one day, thee is allowed to partake of what thee hast forsaken. If there isn't, well, then there is now.

Speaking of Lent and being a good Catholic, I saw a lady this morning with some black stuff smeared on her forehead and it took me a full minute to realize that it was ashes because today is Ash Wednesday and that she was a good Catholic who had gone to Mass, while not only am I probably not going, I didn't immediately recognize the ashes. But I am making a sacrifice for Lent, and am giving up meat on Fridays! Still, I am so going to the bad place. But my consolation is that most people I know are probably going with me. ;)

Here's something that I bet you didn't know - that the word promulgate shares a root with milk. It's amazing what one can learn from the Word of the Day!

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