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it's a green christmas


I am cranky today. Cranky, but with some pleasant surprises. I know that sounds weird, but it's true.

*Malls suck. Even at 11 a.m.
*Traffic sucks.
*Missed Russian class because malls and traffic suck.
*Left out on important decision.

*Have own car back. Fixed and all shiny and vacuumed. Yay!
*Have laptop back with brand-spanking new harddrive. Unexpected OS upgrade. And clean. No more liquids or food near my laptop - EVER!
*Listened to Christmas music in the car.

So glad I went this morning to get my laptop and not after work. As much of a pain it was, I'm sure it would be 10x worse if I waited. It's a zoo. Avoid the malls if you can help it. Ugh.

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