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self-eating watermelons


So, there is this thing going on, called a mission. i'm helping out with it, in a way I've done many times before, albeit long ago. So, i thought I'd be able to slip right back in without any problem. WRONG. So humbling; I seem to have forgotten everything I ever knew. Gah.

Anyway, that's over for me now. Instead, I have two days off and then I work ISO Orbit 1 for one day. Which wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't already working the night shift for the mission. Instead of trying to go back to a normal schedule only to slam shift back for one day, I'm taking the opportunity (?) to learn another position of ours that I'm interested in, and which I probably wouldn't do if there wasn't the motivation of staying sleep shifted for Friday; there's also the nice bonus of night and and overtime pay and hopefully, the impressing of my management. But, durn Friday. If we'd launched ONLY one day later on Sunday, then I wouldn't have to work Friday and I'd be done now. I know I'll be happy that I've done it when it's over, but right now, when I'm looking at three more days of working nights, it's a little tough.

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