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"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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The other day, I woke up to a song about eating brains. Good stuff. Who says NPR isn't fun?

I seem to be doing this about once every two weeks. There's not much that happens that I feel is very newsworthy, that anyone would really care about, so it takes about two weeks to build it up.

Thanksgiving was good. I had In-N-Out about five times in the course of a week (an exaggeration, but not by much) and saw family that I hadn't seen in quite a while. Always good.

I went snowboarding with my sister and cousins; yes, there was enough snow, barely, but enough. Both cousins claimed that they couldn't snowboard very well, but WHATEVER. Certainly showed me up! =) This was my second time as I count it; third, really, but the very first time I had absolutely no instruction, no idea of what I was doing and spent four hours falling down something which could barely even be called a hill, so I don't really count that. ;) Anyway, I'd gone one day about nine months prior, with a lesson, and thought oh, well, that should be good and I can just practice. D'oh! I spent most of Thanksgiving Saturday falling down the hill, again, but at least I could stand up and skid (my inner skier cringing at what I was doing to the hill) and turn one way, if not the other. At the end of the day, I learned to turn! Both ways! I don't know if I was finally getting the hang of it or if my cousin's advice just somehow clicked, but I was finally turning - most of the time. I still fell plenty. The next two days, I could barely move, I was so sore. Even now, nearly three weeks later, it's still painful to sit in some positions so I think I did a number to my tailbone.

I have to say that I now have sympathy for everyone I've ever tried to teach to ski, in that I don't remember what it was like to learn as I was too young when I did, so it was hard for me to empathize with that aspect. Now, I do. I know what it's like to know that you should be doing something, trying to make your body do something, and it just won't.

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