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I went and saw "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" last night. It was amazing. They stuck to the book (for the most part), but then, all are ~200 pages, so not exactly the hardest thing to do. Watching the movie reminded me of why, so long ago, I fell in love with the books (and Peter Pevensie) in the first place. Never saw the animated series, but I have the 1990 BBC version on DVD - they made a miniseries out of the first four books - and they're very entertaining and much more lighthearted than the new movie. The special effects are almost laughable, even - Maugrim, Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, etc. are people in costume, and the rest are animation.

One comment by a friend of mine was that the movie was like Harry Potter meets Lord of the Rings, and she's right - a train takes four ordinary, nondescript kids to a new place where they fight and defeat evil to become kings and queens of a new, magical world that somewhat resembles Middle Earth. (Some scenes, especially those of the witch's army camp and battle preparation, look like they used the LOTR sets again.) That's not surprising, though - Lewis and Tolkien were contemporaries (as Becca pointed out), and Rowling has freely admitted that she was greatly influenced by both of them; for example, it's easy to see the connection between her Cedric Diggory and Narnia's Professor Diggory Kirke.

I hope that they decide to turn all seven books into movies, even if they combined some (I can see Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Silver Chair as one). I am SO glad that they started with this one, and NOT The Magician's Nephew, which is chronologically the first book, and the first in any series sold now. Boo! I would love to have a set of the books, but I hope to find, somewhere, the series with Lion first.

The special effects were provided by ILM, and I swear that I saw Chewie in the movie...

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