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forget friday the 13th, it should be monday the 13th


Today is, well, today. This weekend was, well, this weekend. I didn't really do anything, and it was nice but boring and I feel very enh. Maybe if I do things I will have more energy to do things. I really wish that I lived in a place that I'd enjoy taking the dogs for a walk because even though I wander around the neighborhoods, there's nothing that really inspires me. In Seabrook, there was at least a trail that had some nice scenery and I never got tired of walking Bennet around there. I did give a tour on Sunday, had my hair cut on Saturday and played two soccer games so that's something.

Last night was good and bad. I had a soccer game, but because only six of the players from the other team showed up, it was forfeit. We still played; I and another girl from our team switched sides and we scrimmaged (read: messed around) for ~45 minutes. Although it would have been good to play an actual game, sometimes it's nice just to not care and be silly. I had a lot of fun.

And then I tried to pick Becca up from the airport; I thought her flight came in at 9. It really came in at 9:30. I definitely need to pay more attention to flight times; this isn't the first instance. Argh.

I can tell that today is going to be fun. Not even noon and I've already unintentionally insulted someone's kids and inadvertantly spilled the beans on an assignment. Need to work on keeping my mouth shut.

Although, because I took over a project the last week-and-a-half while the lead was out, she brought me a t-shirt back from her vacay, which was v. nice and unexpected and so the day is not a total loss.

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