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a good day


I don't mean to brag, but despite the fact that today was 15-hours long (and, well, counting), a couple bright spots that made it a pretty awesome day:

1) Received a signed flight montage, complete w/shuttle-flown patch, from the STS-113/ISS 11A crew. Incidentally, that flight was almost exactly three years ago, which only makes it that much sweeter.

2) My Cert Qual simulation turned into my Cert. And I passed. And, I felt pretty damn good doing it, too.

3) Finally made my Thanksgiving tickets to Cali, and although one might think that this close to Tday, anything decent would be ridiculously expensive, one would be wrong - $305, baby, which is as cheap as it gets for this holiday. A rental car, on the other hand, is a different story...

Yay me. =)

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