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said too much | and not enough


I don't remember how long ago it was (MONTHS), but construction started on the road I take to work. This was expected. Then, they started on the main road right (518) next to our house. First, one direction, then the other so now, instead of doing it in pieces to minimize inconvenience. Now, as if that wasn't enough trouble, they've shut down portions of the neighborhood road (South Shore) we use to get on 518. I can understand, or at least guess at, some of the financial reasons, but honestly, why don't they just put a sign up that says "You really shouldn't leave the neighborhood for the next year or two, thanks." My interest in going out and doing things is becoming more and more dependant on how much I want to fight the construction-caused traffic.

Anyway, it's just crazy. Crazy, I tell ya, craaaaazy.

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