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rain, rain, go away


Good morning, sunshine! It's a beautiful day in July. Um, wait a second... For no other reason than I can't think of anything better to say, let's talk about the weather. We are going to play a fun little game called "Which one of these is not like other". Remember, from Seseme Street?


If you had guessed "cold", well, my friend, you would be wrong. Wrong, I tell you! It's "summer" which doesn't belong. Why? Have I been sniffing acetone again? No, it's because I live in Bremen. In freaky, weird Bremen where everything is backwards, like the negative of a picture (we all even have blue skin and orange hair). Today, for example, I came to work all bundled up in a sweater and my bright, red ski jacket (which I love, by the way, all you naysayers). Apparently, the weather gods did not get the memo that it's July!!! I was even still wearing my heavy jacket in May and June. On Sunday, Beth and I had layers and layers on and were still freezing our little tousches off. Did I mention that it's JULY? Dinesh says that this is worse than London.

I know it sounds like I'm complaining. And, in a way, I guess I am. I could do with a little less rain, but whenever I think of Houston and the stifling hot humidity that they call summer there, I am much happier being right where I am. But still, wet and rain and cold...in JULY!!!

We made borscht last night, all three of us. It has to sit overnight so we'll see today if it turns out. It certainly looks interesting, if nothing else.

T-10 days and counting...

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