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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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what's in a name?


More fun with name and personality games!

Interesting...not sure what to make of this...


Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

Actually, I do tend to eat all of the chocolate!

Your Icecream Flavour is...Neopolitan!
You aren't satisfied with just one flavor. They say variety is the spice of life and this shines through in your Ice cream of choice! Just don't eat all the chocolate and leave the strawberry and vanilla behind!
What is your Icecream Flavour?

Find out at Go Quiz

Seems a bit backwards - I'm certainly doing a lot of traveling now!

Cari Highway
Mt. Happiness4
Fame City63
Bog of Eternal Marriage153
Please Drive Carefully

Where are you on the highway of life?

From Go-Quiz.com

Hee hee, I do like this one!

CARI is a restricted area. Authorised personel only


From Go-Quiz.com

Nice, a random computer-generated program thinks I am cool!

Am I cool or uncool? [CLICK]
You are Cool!
You're pretty cool! People look at you and think.. 'wow.. that person is cool!' Congratulations. Use your position wisely and teach the dorks below you a thing or two. There's nothing like recruiting a cool person.
Cool quizzes at Go-Quiz.com

Yeah, yeah, for enternatiainment purposes only. ;)

V. tame weekend. Did get my hair cut on Friday and is shorter, but not really all that short. She didn't speak much English, and I didn't speak much German, so that is always interesting. Were supposed to go out, but didn't. Watched Zoolander instead. Saturday - more shopping. I'm leaving Europe soon, so why not? Didn't do much at the beginning. Am leaving clothes behind, so it works out. Watched another movie, Vanilla Sky. I'd only seen part of it before, but now that I've seen the whole thing, I still think it's weird, but I also think it's really good. I liked it.

Sunday, Beth and I went with Mattias and several other people from the University and OHB to the North Sea. We went for a walk out on the beach during low tide and saw lots of neat little creatures and learned about the flora and fauna (apparently, it's one of the largest tidal differences in the world). Would have been much more fun if there had been less wind and rain; at one point, it was so windy that we couldn't tell if it was raining or if the wind was just blowing up the water. Afterwards, instead of hanging around for four hours until we'd go on a crab boat, we decided to head back. Good idea, because the weather never cleared up, so it would have been pretty miserable. We bummed around, did a few chores, and watched Schindler's List. And that brings us back to today! My last week at EADS and in Bremen. Yikes!!!

Tonight, Beth and I, in an attempt to use up the random foods we have left, are going to attempt to make borscht. We'll see if it turns out.

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