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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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ad astra per aspera


I love having Beamer here! He always gives me a hug in the morning. Ah, definite perk of the job - hugs from astronauts. ;) I am so glad that this weekend he will be in Berlin, too. Then Beth, Chris, and Nicole can meet him. Another perk - introducing astronauts to my friends.

Okay, I am bragging. So what. I think that I can claim a few bragging rights. I don't exercise them very often. Well, at least I try not to! How successful I am, only my friends can say.

The meetings are going well. I am really tired, though, and hope to be able to stay awake today! I have become so lazy. Yesterday, I had a whole list of things to do and only managed three out of twelve. I suppose that is something, however. I won't get to rest this weekend, either, as Beth and I are heading off to Berlin early Saturday morning to go to the air show. I am so excited! (And I just can't hide it.) I really want to go to Berlin. Chris and Nicole will be there, too, so it will be very nice to see them. Berlin, friends (including an astronaut), and an air show - how much better could it possibly be?

At some point this week we have to look into renting a car for next weekend. Beth, Dinesh, and I have the grand plans of driving up to Scandinavia (Denmark and Sweden at least, and then we'll see from there) since we have a four-day weekend and are ridiculously close. Well, Dinesh and I have a four-day weekend, I am not sure what Beth is planning to do. She doesn't get Friday off like us, and I don't know if she is planning on taking it off or just leaving work early or what. We'll figure something out. One plan was to drive to Hamburg on Thursday, hang out Friday until she's done, and then go to Denmark for the weekend. Better watch out, Nick; I am going to pass you up in number of countries!

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