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into the wild blue yonder


I am leaving very soon but I know that I'll get in trouble if I don't post SOMETHING. (Despite my complaining, I actually am pleased that a lot of people read this.)

Berlin this weekend - great. Saturday was less than perfect only because of the weather, but Beth and I still managed to have quite a good time. We hooked up with Chris, Nicole, and their friend, Scott for some pricey drinks in Scott's crazy expensive hotel before going to dinner.

We spent a couple of hours Saturday and Sunday at the air show, and it was cool to see one in a different country. Still a lot of American planes, and I saw a couple of P-51s and a Corsair fly. Nice! Beth got to see the Corsair unfold its wings - a cool sight. Saturday, the French air force had their Blue Angels-like group doing maneuvers, and Sunday it was the Swiss. Maybe it was because of the rain that the French didn't do too many fancy tricks, but regardless, the Swiss were incredible. Easily on par with the Blue Angels, Thunderbirds, and Snowbirds, and they even did tricks that I hadn't seen before (and I have been to my share of air shows).

One thing is that it was almost like the IAF with an air show thrown in. There were a bunch of halls filled with booths from different space centers, companies, etc. It was also interesting because for those of you who know who I mean, the English-speaking announcer sounded eerily like John Farrow.

We were very tired as we didn't get much sleep neither Friday nor Saturday night. Waking up this morning was NOT FUN. And now, as Beth put it, three days to recover until our next crazy trip. I didn't think that it would be so crazy, but Beth and Dinesh were inspired by Nick, Brooke, and Will's insane let's-see-how-many-countries-we-can-do-in-four-days trip last November and are planning on hitting Denmark, Sweden, AND Norway AND Finland. How do I manage to get hooked up with these people???

Tomorrow: The Case of the Invisible Astronaut!

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