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two things you never ask a woman...


We all know. You don't ask women age or weight; mostly because they will usually lie about one or both. Really, isn't this one of the basic rules in the "10 Things Not to Say to a Woman" guidebook that, I can only assume, is what's passed out back in 5th grade when the boys and girls are separated to have The Talk? For girls, it's about Becoming a Woman, but for the boys, it must be How to Pick Up Women, because, after that age, that's all they seem to try to do.

Anyway, don't really know how that got onto such a tangent (yes, I do - opened my mouth) because the only pertinent aspect of that story is that one doesn't ask a woman's age. And if one knows a woman's age, one doesn't advertise it. Especially not underlined in a birthday card to a woman. Which is what I received today. It is a nice courtesy to receive a signed birthday postcard from my (several-steps-up-the-management-chain) boss, something he does for all employees, but to see a big "30" on the card, when I have ONE MORE WEEK left of being able to say "20's", really, is the 30 necessary? It also brings home just how much information about me can be easily accessed around here... Big brother is watching...

So I've taken the postcard and stuck it to the wall under the one from last year, which only says "Happy Birthday" with no evil numbers included. If you think I'm making too much out of turning 30, I have a friend who will celebrate the 3rd anniversary of her 25th birthday this year and who often complains about how old she is, which is ALWAYS appreciated by people older than her. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. =P

Wow, I am going to be 30.

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