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sleep-deprived chronicles


Tonight is, so far, the worst. I am absolutely tired, with just over five hours until the next shift comes in. Five hours is but a blink of the eye if that's all the sleep available, but stretches out like an eternity when waiting for the next shift to arrive. Melodramatic, for sure, but when it's quiet and slow (boring is good, boring is good), it's easy to head down that path just to insert some excitement, even if it is manufactured.

Today is my own fault; when I went home, instead of going right to bed, I stayed up and finished reading Stardust as we had plans to see the movie adaptation at 4. Around 10:30, I finished and slept until Becca woke me up at 3:30, having let me sleep as long as possible. We went to dinner afterwards; well, Becca, Jen and Gavin had dinner, but I wasn't hungry, so held Carina (yay) while they ate. By the time we got home, had to shower, change and head back in for work. So, I'm tired. I haven't had a decent night's (day's) sleep since Tuesday night, and today (tonight), it's caught up with me. No plans in the morning so you can bet I'm going home and passing out. Big time.

Have to say, do love the movie. Fantasy, in the manner of LoTR, Harry Potter, Valdemar and Narnia, is truly my favorite genre and the movie didn't disappoint. The book was good, but this is one of those instances where I enjoyed the movie more. Oh sure, there were aspects of the book that I liked better, but overall, the movie wins. It fell right in the sweet spot between a slavish and painful rendering of the book and sharing only the book's title and character's names. It added drama where drama was needed, tied up ends the book left dangling, and all in all had a cleaner ending. There are times when a melancholy conclusion fits better, like The Amber Spyglass, and while the book was more "realistic" (as far as such a term can be applied), I liked the ending of the movie better; it was "happily ever after" as befits a proper faerie tale, without going overboard.

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