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mission extension?



I don't really have anything to say. Occasionally, I'll think of something that would be a good topic and then I forget. I know, I should write it down but I'm not sure how to explain to the nice police officer that I just cut across four lanes of traffic to stop on the freeway shoulder so that I could write down this great idea for my blog and didn't want to forget; "at least, sir/ma'am, I wasn't trying to write while driving." Yes, I'm sure that will go over really well. Thus, all the pithy, witty things that I thought to say are lost to the wind.

Working the mission is rather surreal. Always is, ever since working EarthKAM. They're talking of extending the mission, too, so instead of twelve nights of this shift, I am looking at possibly fourteen. I don't really mind, but we'll have to see.

Well, an hour to go until handover so I suppose I should finish my work.

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