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a bad day on console is better than a good day in the office


Working my way through Day 4 of 12. That's a rather daunting number, 12, when talking about number of days where my nights and days are flipped. All told, I don't really mind. In fact, I kind of like it, except for that I'm on an opposite schedule from everyone else. Or when I can't seem to sleep for more than a few hours at a time, but that happens when I'm on a more normal schedule, too. But there's something almost, I don't know, thrilling about leaving when everyone else is arriving. Like, ha ha, I get to go home and go to bed and you're just coming to work now. Suckas!

Then I remember that it's Saturday/Sunday and nobody's coming to work as I'm leaving, so who's laughing now? I'm pretty sure it's not me.

Finally shifted back enough that now Starbucks is open when coming into work - although we're constantly brewing coffee back here so that's not as big of a deal to me (free+fun flavors+constant source of caffeine) as probably to B - but as bossman said when I came on tonight, "Looking forward to the point that it's still dark when we get off." During handover, most of the "new" team members (with a 14-day mission and a 12-workday limitation, there is some shuffling going on) commented about the "great" hours. HA HA SO FUNNY! Never heard that joke before.

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