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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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i'd like to present you with | something i call personality | word travels fast when you're on the road | i'd like to think what i have is real


Another fun link that Sarah found. Where does she find these things??

How to make a CARI
3 parts intelligence
5 parts crazyiness
1 part energy
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add lovability to taste! Do not overindulge!


Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

Kinda cool.

Today, I am feeling motivated! Finally! I have to - I am not working as long today so must accomplish more in fewer hours today than I did yesterday. Like Beth, who wrotefifteen pages Wednesday morning, then went home and sat in the sun and edited. Managed to get a lot done. My inspiration!

Last night, Beth, Dinesh, Mattias (Beth's coworker), and I went to La Enchilada for dinner and cocktails; Bertrand, Dinesh's coworker, joined us later. Beth and I each had three cocktails (made sure they were within happy hour), including the highly-recommended Caipurinia. It was really good! We finished off the evening with a tequila shot; Dinesh took our picture and Beth is smiling brightly while I am making a horrible face. The food was really good, too. Mattias had a present for Beth, and Dinesh and I convinced her that our present for her was a funny card. Later, we gave her her sister's and mom's cards, which had come on Thursday. After she chastized us for keeping presents from her, we gave her our actual gift - two tank tops (one nice, one fun) and a belt from her favorite store, Tally Weil. I think she really liked them, and I know she was surprised. So, it was a great evening.

This weekend? Tonight, Beth and Dinesh have threatened to take me clubbing. Hmm. I went last time I was in Bremen, which they did not, but apparently that doesn't preclude me from going now. I am, however, going to get my hair chopped off (eek!) at 5. Never had it above my shoulders, and I am going for shorter than that now. I am a little nervous, but it is only hair. Shopping tomorrow (!!!), then I don't know. Beth can't beleive that Dinesh and I have seen neither Zoolander nor Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, so we may rent one or both. Sunday, Beth and I are going with Mattias and a bunch of others to the North Sea, which includes a trip on a crab boat. Should be fun! Then, next week is the last week. I can't believe I only have a week left!

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