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Spanish Style

4:53 p.m.

It snowed again last night, and has been switching between snow and rain for most of today, and unfortunately most of it has melted. Still, I live in a place where it snows. I like that. =)

My dad's birthday was on Sunday, so Happy Birthday, Dad!!! Love you.

Now that I'm done with Prague, I'll finish up with Spain. So, I recounted my adventures of Friday in Barcelona and Saturday in Madrid. We took the night train back from Madrid. As mentioned, Nick did not sleep hardly at all, so he was v. tired and v. cranky when we arrived at 7 AM and wanted to find a park so that he could lie down on a bench and sleep. We walked around for a while and I went into a shop to get some bread and asked the salesclerk where the park was. Nick laughed at me because he thought I didn't understand what the guy said, but I managed to get the gist of it and told Nick what he had said. I'm not sure, but I think that I actually impressed Nick. Imagine that.

Anyway, we never did find the park, and ended up back on the dock next to the Mediterranean and while Nick slept on the hard ground, I finished my book. Around 9, I woke him up.

We wandered around the city some more, and I made Nick come with me to find some tapas. I was determined. Was actually surprisingly difficult to find a place, but they had some really good tapas, which even Nick liked. I then wanted to see the Opera House which Nick wasn't terribly interested in (I think mostly because it cost money), so we split up and he went to a church and sat in the back and drew pictures. After the Opera House, which was amazing, I went to see Gaudi's Sagrada Familia temple that looks like a melted gothic church. Apparently, it's not supported by the government so a volunteer organization is always trying to raise money to maintain it. In front of it, there were a bunch of performers who made a huge human tower, something like five people tall. They all stood on each others shoulders. It was really cool!

I ran back to meet up with Nick at the church. As usual, he was having a heart-attack about being on time to meet Markus at 4; we still had to catch the train back. But, no worries, everything was fine and we arrived at the station and the meeting point with time to spare.

Talk about a long ride back! Markus took one look at my hand (which was still wrapped up) and decided that I wasn't driving, although he did let Nick drive, who was v. thrilled to do so. We picked up Miguel who had shaved and cut his hair and looked so different that neither Nick nor I recognized him at first. Miguel and I slept most of the way. That was nice. We made it to Strasbourg finally around 1 AM, with school the next day.

So, voil�, there's the story of Spain complete. Next chance I have, I promise I'll start on Switzerland, and then I should be all caught up.

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