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lazy weekend?


I have a love/hate relationship with weekends. I see them as potential to accomplish so many things in so many areas:

Work - catch up from last week, prepare for the next
Housekeeping - dishes, laundry, etc.
Personal - clean closet, website work, mail, errands, exercise, baking, etc.
Gardening - trim trees, weed

And what do I usually end up doing? Sitting on my bum watching TV because I'm so brain-dead from the week. Now it's Sunday night, I'm waiting for some out-of-town friends to call so I can have dinner (really hungry!!), and I feel I've accomplished very, very little. Weekends are never long enough, even three-day ones.

Speaking of, I think that this is one of the holidays that gets to me, more than Christmas or Thanksgiving or whatnot. In fact, I like to spend it alone or with only a few people. It's very moving to me. I cannot help but think of all that was accomplished, all that was sacrificed. I still cannot get over how close the trenches were, as exampled by Vimy, visted four years ago. Four years ago! Time does move quickly.

Anyway. Enough sentimentality. Enjoy your day off, if you have it.

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