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a situation when SH*T is the only word that will do


What do you do, how do you feel, when you realize that you erased a week's worth of work? Because I just did and I feel...hollow.

I had two versions of the same document on my computer; mistake to begin with. One, the older version, in a folder. The newer on my desktop. I saved over the newer version with the older. Much older. I was proud of where I was getting with the document. Now, now, I don't know. I remember some things, but not everything and not where I found them. A lot was discovered as I went along. And it's all gone, all of it.

Normally, this would be a good sign that I need to go home, but I can't. I have to prepare for an early meeting tomorrow. Furthermore, in the grand scheme of things, I know that this is not a big deal. But that is hardly a comfort because in the small scheme of things, the scheme that surrounds me and that I care about right now, it is a very big deal.

I need a vacation.

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