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an early sunrise for florida


We launched! I guess I'm ready. :) This is my mission, the one that I've been working so madly for the last few weeks, er, months. I can't believe it's actually happened. And that ATV launched, too - my two main projects, both launching on-time (meaning, no last-minute delays) and right on top of one another.

In order to try and sleep shift for going in at 11:30 tonight, I stayed up to watch the 1:28 a.m. launch, despite the fact that I was already falling asleep at 9. But, I did it, and it was so worth it. It was a gorgeous night launch, the first, I think, with the camera attached to the external tank. Instead of the usual orange and red flames, the night sky transformed them into an eerie blue glow that brightened briefly when first the solid rocket boosters and then the tank separated. It was also possible to see the thruster firings, the same incandescent blue, of the orbiter as she gracefully lifted away from the tank, something that I'd never seen before.

Endeavour launch

Anyway, off into the bowels of the mission I go, emerging in two weeks.

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