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fairy tales, rowling-style


In the final glorious book, Hermione reads aloud to Harry, Ron and Xenophilious Lovegood the story of The Three Brothers by Beedle the Bard. After she was done with the series, JK Rowling "translated" the original runes, presenting six beautifully bound, handwritten copies of the Bard's five stories to her friends and family and one to be auctioned off at Sotheby's, with the proceeds going to The Children's Voice charity. For merely �1,950,000, Amazon.com won the seventh book. This may be old news, but perhaps not the fact that for those (like myself) who are extremely curious about the contents of the book, summaries and pictures can now be found on Amazon's website. The reviews are well-written and laudatory, even describing Rowling's handwriting style as the tone of the plot changes, but do not even claim to do the stories justice. I only hope that someday, although it will not be the same as reading and handling the actual book, that we will be able to read the full stories in her own words.

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