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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

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"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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Bohemian Rhapsody

7:21 p.m.

First, I must proclaim to all and sundry that Kelly is a retard. Um, I mean, she's not. I just happen to be around her a lot and that's why most of the quotes tend to come from her. In fact, she's really cool and writes the most amusing emails of anyone I know.


Finish up Prague. Sunday, I got up around 8:30 after not sleeping very well and finished my book, 3001: The Final Odyssey while waiting for Chris and Nicole. We went out for a couple hours and walked around the city, grabbing a danish and chocolate/coffee on the way, before returning to the apartment just before 11 AM to find Nick having a heart-attack because we needed to be out by 11. Nick, I think, enjoys giving himself heart-attacks. He does it a lot. But, we were all packed so he needn't have worried. The agency gave us a ride to their office where we stored our stuff for the next several hours; they were also going to give us a ride to the bus station at 5:15.

We had ~6 hours. Went back to Old Town and had lunch at a small restaurant that turned out to be organic vegetarian, much to Nick's chagrin. We spent the afternoon walking around, hopping in and out of stores. We ended up near our apartment, and had just walked into a sports store when we look outside and all of a sudden it's snowing. And not your gentle, falling, 'snowflakes on your nose and eyelashes' snow, but an in-your-face, blinding, painful pummeling. In less than forty minutes, it had snowed between a half-inch and an inch. It was crazy! There was even thunder and lightening, which is wierd in a snowstorm. Nick and Ruey decided to wait it out in Little Ceaser's Pizza. Honestly.

I have to take a quick break and explain about Little Ceaser's. It was right on a key corner, and pretty much became our bearing; 'Look, there's Little Ceaser's; we want to turn left/right, etc.' The entire weekend, Nick wanted to go there. And finally, he did. I went into the store right next to them and bought two bottles of Czech red wine.

The storm passed as quickly as it came, and we headed back across the river towards our meeting point. We had about 30 minutes to kill, and I wanted to climb to the top of the castle wall, so while everyone else sat in a cozy cafe, Ruey and I left all of our stuff with them and climbed the hill. What a view! The others really missed out. We quickly snapped a few pictures and then ran all the way back, making it with time to spare. Nick, again, was having his usual heart attack that we would be late, miss our ride, miss the bus, etc. etc.

Well, we didn't miss the bus, and we got there early enough to have our pick of seats. The bus left around 6, and about two hours later, we were at the German border. Two more hours, we were still there. They had pulled off a Czech couple and gone through their bags and everything. Finally, they were allowed back on, and we proceeded. They showed a movie, Sweet Home Alabama, on this trip, and fearful of what language in which it would be shown, I plugged in my earphones. Surprisingly, it was in English, and with English subtitles, too. Go figure.

We arrived back in Strasbourg around 2:30 AM. Nick took off before we discovered that the four of us who wanted a cab didn't have a phone. However, providentially, one came 'round the corner just then, and Ruey stepped in front. The idea had been to ask him to call his agency and get us a cab, but he told us (in French, of course, go me) that he was dropping off his fare nearby and would be right back to pick us up, which he was. I finally made it to bed around 3:15 AM. So, you can understand why I was a little tired yesterday. And today. ;)

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