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old procrastinators never die - they just keep putting it off


This weekend, motivated by Byron's remodeling of our house, I finally got around to doing some things that I've been putting off for a long time; over a year in some cases. It wasn't a super-productive weekend in that I am rather slow, but I did accomplish the following:

*Cleaned out boxes from the attic that were posing a fire hazard
*Hung my black-out shades, as well as all other curtain-type accoutrements
*Fixed the dog gate
*Hung the hand-towel holder in the guest bathroom
*Replaced the toilet flapper in same bathroom

Now, I need to go to the eye-doctor for new glasses and contacts. I'm on my very last pair of contacts, and my ancient glasses are literally falling apart; the right arm is taped together and the bud at the end of the left arm has fallen off. I look like a hobo. And it can't be good for my eyes to be staring at the computer screen all day, every day through lenses at least ten years old. No wonder I have headaches at the end of the day!

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