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four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie


I'm pretty bad about it, but at least I update my blog more than once a month. All of my non-Houston friends, you're really slacking off. Especially you, Tyler. Yes, I'm calling you out. You're such a hoser. Not a word for all of October. Are you even still alive?

However, in all actuality, that's not something about which I should really joke. I heard the saddest thing about an hour ago; a friend of a coworker just lost her mother from cancer Saturday morning and then her brother from pneumonia that very same night. I can't even imagine.

Today, apparently, I'm in a bit of a mood. At least, I was this morning. Nick used to set his alarm for 7 a.m., whereupon he'd hit snooze repeatedly for the next hour and a half. Sometimes, he'd accidentally set it for 6. Fun. It's not his fault that I'm such a light sleeper and can hear his alarm in my room, but out of kind consideration for me, he now uses his phone's alarm. Becca, on the other hand, has replaced Nick as having the most annoying alarm. Hers is set so loud that it's probably heard by the neighbors. Three streets over. Granted, it only goes off once and she does get up, but still, at 6 or 6:30, it's hard (for me) to go back to sleep. Plus, it's really so very jarringly loud that I now wake-up all at once and disoriented, with my first thought being that of getting away from the large vehicle that's backing up over me; for, from where else does such noise issue? Oh right, that would be Becca's alarm. From across the house. Me? I have mine set to radio at a volume which wakes me up, but doesn't scare the birds away.

Nick was looking for his car title (his Prius comes soon) and thought it might be in a box of stuff he'd given me. I found the box - on the floor of my overcrowded closet, which meant a lot of moving stuff around. His repeated attempts to help were only met with sarcastic comments of "well, it's not like I can get dressed with everyone in my room so I might as well do this just as easy as you" and similar. Ain't I just a ball of fluff and sunshine in the morning? :)

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