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...and we're down!


Hurrah for Discovery, which landed at Edwards Air Force Base at about 8:11 this morning, Eastern. I didn't watch. Yup, that's right, I didn't. I'm rather sorry that I hadn't, but I slept right through it, lazybones that I am. I actually wasn't sleeping that well, as I had four excitable dogs (Bennet's brother and sister are staying with us) in with me who thought that every time I shifted in bed it meant that we were going to do something fun and they jumped up, eagerly, a mass of jangling collars, padding feet and licking tongues. And me being the light sleeper that I am; I'm sure that you'll forgive me if the landing wasn't exactly uppermost in my thoughts. Of course, it wouldn't have helped having so many wave-offs (2 at 90 min each). Still. I could've had Becca or Sarah call me when they knew we were coming in for sure! I didn't even think of it until this morning. Oh well. We landed, and that is what is important. I did watch it later on replay which is almost as good, with the bonus of not being anxious about it, and able to just enjoy the surreal beauty of the pre-morning touchdown.

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