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birthday fish



Today, for the first time in twelve consecutive days, I do not have to go to work, as my part in the Return to Flight (Part I) of the Space Shuttle fleet ended when I left Mission Control at approximately 10 p.m. yesterday. I celebrated by stopping at Randalls to pick up...Drano. Yup. The excitement never ends. (No, not to drink, you weirdos, but because of the decidedly mundane reason of we have a stopped-up drain.)

Since I don't have to be at work in 10 minutes, today I slept until 11:30, wrote a couple of cards, and now am going to take Apache to PetCo to get dog food, a new fish, and then it's off to Target for vacuum bags, rubber gloves (to aid in the unstopping of the sink) and candles. NOW do you believe me about the constant excitement??? ;)

The more observant might have noticed that I said "new fish". Yes, Sahimi II has died. I seem to not do very well with fish. Sushi I is still merrily banging his head into the rocks of his bowl and I've killed two fish. The second one died because I'd put a little caslte in his bowl, which he seemed to like very much, but which accelerated fungi growth and the bowl was a bit nasty and I meant to change it , but after Sashimi I's suicide, I was so paranoid about it that I kept putting it off and the poor guy finally croaked. Becca, of course, laughed. So, the fish is now sleeping with the, er, fishes and I've tossed the castle and I'm off to pick out Sashimi III. I really like the name, so probably from now on, all of my fish will be named Sashimi. Also, with the way I seem to go through them, it'd be too much work to keep coming up with names. Or maybe it's the Goulard curse - my brother had fish when he was little and they all died pretty quickly, too. Huh.

I really liked Sashimi II, tho'; he was an amusing little fish.

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