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i want to be where yaks can run free


When I was in France, a friend from the great country of Canadia introduced me to what is possibly the best dish ever invented - poutine. For the uninitiated, it's an unholy concoction of french fries (the crispier the better), cheese curds (preferably white cheddar) and poutine sauce (a type of brown gravy).

The french fries are easy enough to find here and I get regular shipments of poutine sauce from up North, so it's really only the cheese that presents a problem. Using any kind works, but proper cheese curds are ideal. I was told by a Wisconsonian friend that the Super Target by my house sold them, but I couldn't find them when I went. I was heartbroken. Had my hopes up, they were dashed.

Turns out, I was looking in the "generic" cheese section. This weekend, I was with a Canadian friend and he knew where to look, in the "fancy" cheese section - sure enough, there they were! I am *so* happy. Words cannot even begin to describe how excited I am about this find.

sigh of happiness

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