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I'm drawn to a blackened sky as I turn blue

1:11 p.m.

Grr grr grr. So today isn't exactly shaping up to be stellar, either. I had a pretty good morning, but then I came to school. Bad move. I checked out a computer from ISU and it turns out that it doesn't want to connect to the network. Fun. I think that Sarah's computer issues are contagious. And of course, I have all of the fun TP stuff to deal with. Always a good time! But all in all, TP is actually coming along. We have something put together already. Although it's not pretty, it's a start, and it's not due until next Friday. So, I'm hoping that this means no all-nighters, but I really think that I'll pull at least one, and likely the night before. Always happens.

We are trying to decide who should be the graduation speaker for this year. Fabio (from Italy) is trying to buy everyone off with promises of a meal at McDonald's. While he may be obsessed with it, he hasn't quite figured out that the rest of us are not so enthralled.

Today is a holiday here, so Happy Good Friday, everyone! Means all of the shops are closed and trams running on their reduced holiday/Sunday schedule.

Tonight, some people are gathering to watch a movie at Mark's: Strange Brew. It's been a while since I've seen that. Should be a fun group. Yesterday, a lot of people went to a lovely Vietnamese restaurant for Jess' birthday. It was really nice - I had egg rolls and duck - and I hadn't seen her in a while so I was glad to catch up.

Well, off to my motivational speech thingy. Fun!

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