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To capitalize, or not to capitalize, that is the question...

4:51 p.m.

I'm using this with permssion from Sarah. In response to Tuesday's 2nd posting, she wrote, "You never ever make me laugh. You are so not funny. Even your dog is funnier than you. Perhaps you should try growing a tongue that doesn't entirely fit in your mouth, *then* you would be funny." Ah, it's nice to know your friends are there to support you. ;)

Another long day of slogging on our TP. I'm having fun answering questions like, should solar system be capitalized? What about Space Shuttle, universe, outer space? And is it reentry or re-entry? Should we use US or UK English? BAH! It's not that I really care one way or the other, but it should be consistent. Apparently, all of my decisions (so far) are not what the seekers want, and then I have to argue over an absolutely trivial point to defend my position. It's been a fun day. Right. Gripe gripe gripe.

Just to add to the fun, apparently the near neighbors (I'm talking about Houston), not the freaky determined-to-get-rid-of-your-dogs ones, but the closer ones are convinced that 1) Bennet is a real-life Kojak who is going to jump through the window and maul everyone in League City and 2) he is beating up on Apache and that Becca is in denial when she insists that that's not the case.

Tonight is Jess' birthday and we're planning a little surprise gathering for her. This is Jess of Will and Jess, owners of Bella and Charlie, the ferrets. It should be fun, tho' I can't stay out very late as it's back here bright and early tonmorrow morn for more TP excitement.

I've been checking out the previews recently, and there's a ton of chick-flick/teen/girly/romantic/fairy-tale movies coming out. There's Ella Enchanted with Anne Hathaway, A Cinderella Story with Hilary Duff, and The Prince and Me with Julia Stiles. I guess it must be spring!

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