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you will have a song to sing so you'll know what you're worth

12:27 p.m.

Are there some people for whom everything seems to fall into place, are they just excessively organized, or maybe even a combination of both? I certainly fall into none of the above categories, despite my best efforts. For example, yesterday morning. Classic Cari. I had a deadline - 4 PM. I had everything planned out, and even left significant extra time for contingencies. Well, contingencies happened. And then happened some more. And then - guess what? - they happened even more. Mostly due to a bunch of miscommunication (I really, really hate not having a phone) that kept me running all over town for nearly three hours. The time that I had budgeted was more than enough for what I needed to do - I accomplished everything within an hour and a half - but that three hours more than cut into my alloted time and therefore, I was late. Aarrrggghhh. I swear, it's not me; the universe just has it in for me. That's right, the entire, infinite universe has it in for lowly little me. What other explanation can there possibly be??? ;)

However, there was a bright spot to the hassle of yesterday, and that is that I was treated to an incredible impromptu performance of four guys playing on three xylophones in front of the Cathedral. They were really, really good and played a variety of music all from memory, managing to stay right with each other despite myriad tempo changes. They were about my age, maybe a little older, and I just sat and listened to the beautiful music for a while.

My flat smells like pecan pie right now. Yum. That's almost the best part of making pies. Everyone here really likes them so I'll have to try them out on y'all when I am back in the States. The chocolate pecan pie (it usually turns out to be more of a goo, but is still v. good) is so far the most popular.

Saturday, a bunch of us went to see our friend (and banker), Olivier, lead his hockey team to the finals (?) in his division. They beat a team that was higher seeded then them with a score of 4-3. It was an excellent game, with tons of penalties, a puck that wouldn't stay on the ice (one hit a cameraman once and another flew over the plastic guard and the crowd to smack the windows, which were a good two stories up), a man carried off the ice, and a broken hockey stick. One amusing aspect was that they played a lot of 80's and early 90's American music, so at one point, we're sitting there, in Strasbourg, at a hockey game, listening to "Sweet Home Alabama". Nice.

Happy Yuri's night, everyone! 43rd anniversary of his flight (April 12, 1961), and 23rd anniversary of the launch of the first Space Shuttle, Columbia (April 12, 1981). We'll be celebrating it here at ISU. Bavs and Serina have been putting in a lot of hours. Should be a pretty fun night, tho' not too late for me as the last tram leaves around midnight.

Oh yeah - yay - the dollar is down to 1.20717 to the Euro. Better than it's been! Of course, it goes down as I'm leaving.

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