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forced idleness


This foot thing is really annoying. I'm still limping a bit and can't walk around too much. The doctor said to not do anything for two weeks. Not that I think I could; I've been wearing slip-on mules since the injury and haven't had the courage to try anything more; even the slight rub of the bandage against the wound when I slip on socks hurts enough that I don't want to try actual shoes yet. It's SO frustrating - no walks, exercise, soccer, or (worst of all) horseback riding. Plus, he said six months six months!!! is how long I'd have to baby it, and considering it's location on the inside left arch, horseback riding will likely be one of the last things I can pick back up. Boo. But, I guess the skin will be pretty fragile when it does grow back and needs to be protected. It is fun to gross people out with the story, however! Now that it's stopped spurting blood all over the place, I'm even willing to show it off. Yes, I'm just that sadistic.


I totally screwed myself this week. I took ~5 hours off for doctor's appointments for this dang foot so I'm not going to make my 40. I can (legally) take sick leave for the missed hours, comp time (of which I have PLENTY), work late or come in tomorrow. Everyone's telling me to use the sick leave, but I feel guilty; it's not like I don't have enough to do to fill 40. Anyway, I'm here for at least 9 hours today, and that added to the hours from last Sunday should bring me pretty close. I'll probably just use the sick leave.

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