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you're not the boss of me now | life is unfair


Life is unfair.

We all know it to be true, and I certainly know that there have been some very lucky opportunities/decisions in my life that have planted me where I am today. So, while we all recognize the validity of that statement, there are still things that just leave a sour taste in one's mouth. And I'm not talking about anything big, just small, mundane, seemingly inconsequential things. I witnessed such a one yesterday.

I drove through a residential area with a stop sign intersection that is notorious for its concealed police cars, waiting to pounce on unsuspecting motorists who don't quite come to a complete stop. I saw a truck and police car pulled over, both of which entered back onto the street as I approached. The police car made a u-turn and came up along side me as we both came to the stop sign. I'm no dummy; I came to a full and complete stop, even sitting there for a few seconds. As I later mentioned to Becca, what he did, however, would be called a rolling stop, except that there was no "stop" involved.

I have no problem with police officers pulling people over for rolling stops (although, I think they do it a might excessively; don't they have better things to do than hide out at the intersection so often?). The sign says stop, you should stop, and if you don't and there's a cop around, you pay the consequences. What I do have a problem with is pulling someone over for just such an offense and then doing it themselves immediately after. That is so very, very wrong.

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