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When I came back in from walking the dogs, Becca was watching "Armageddon", and I've been sucked in while doing stuff on the computer. I'd seen it once, when it first came out and the main thing that I remember about it is the spinning Russian Space Station (thereby creating artificial gravity, obviously) and Vlad, the cosmonaut, banging on the modified orbiter's middeck to restart the main engines. However, I'm watching it again and I'm surprised at some of the things that they actually did right. For example, I would have expected for simplicity that they would have combined Launch and Mission Control into one, but they kept it separate, even handing over control of the vehicle at the right time. And they did get some of the calls/acronyms right, such as "Go for APU start". Of course, they also launched, docked to the Russian Space Station and did a lunar gravitational assist all in one day. So, some of it is just as crazy as I remembered. ;)

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