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what's in a name?


Last night, I woke up around 1:30 and while trying to go back to sleep, for some reason I started thinking a lot about when sometimes I'll find some little thing and tease a person about it mercilessly, even when it's old and should have been buried ages ago. I came to the conclusion that it all has to do with inside jokes. I love inside jokes. I love being in the know. Anything from recognizing the reference to Princess Bride in The West Wing when Josh mentions "rats of unusual size" to being in the control center when an ISS astronaut announces to the world his underwear size to the nicknames that my friends call me. It makes me feel like I'm in a club somehow. I know that may be silly and high schoolish, but it's true. It also means that I annoy the you-know-what out of people who are on the receiving end of some of my inside jokes.

For example, and I'll use a gender-neutral name like, um, we'll take my dog's name, Bennet (I'm teased about how I somehow insert Bennet into every conversation, and I can't disappoint). Bennet is a very sarcastic person right from the get-go, and when we first met, I didn't realize this and took seriously something that Bennet said and therefore, thought Bennet didn't like me, even perhaps really didn't like me, thought that I was stupid. Tuns out not, and this person is now one of my best friends, but I always enjoyed teasing Bennet about how they didn't like me and I'd wish them "happy anniversary of the day you realized that you didn't hate me" and stuff like that and I'm afraid that it really bothers Bennet. So, Bennet, you know who you are, and I'm sorry.

I had some other examples that I thought of last night, but can't right now. I don't do it to be malicious, it's just that it's something shared and I like to tease about it. But if there's something that I tease about and it really bothers you, please tell me and I'll promise I'll stop. Or at least try not to do it as often.

And to show what a good sport I am, I'll list the various nicknames of mine. Well, most of them. Family names are, as would be expected, more embarrassing than anything else and so I'll leave them off, thank you very much.
*CG - Chris R.
*Kay-Rye - Only Debbie, Jason, and Paul are allowed to call me this. Sonia, too, but she doesn't exercise the right very much.
*Care-Bear - This one I'm really touchy about. Will, Brooke, Dougie, and Bavs and sometimes Ruey if he's being nice. :)
*Various - Kelly has called me just about everything, and I her.

Um, I think that's about it. I love nicknames. Whatever I name my kids, I want it to be a long name that can be shortened. Like, Katerina (I really like that name) for a girl and call her Katya.

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