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nous sommes les enfants qu'ils n'ont pas eus...


Sixty-four years ago today, Pearl Harbor was bombed, marking the start of (official) US participation in World War II. December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy... Now, except for the veterans of WWII, and especially of Pearl Harbor, it's not much more than another day on the calendar, with its only significance being that of one less shopping day left until Christmas. One wonders whether or not, in sixty years, September 11th will hold its current meaning, or will it, too, fade away and become just another day of the year, like any other? While it's impossible to hold a remembrance on every day a major injustice was occured, as that would mean there'd be no unmarked days left in the year, it's important, I think, on days such as today to stop a moment and reflect on what happened, and to honor the sacrifices of those who gave (and continue to give) their lives so that you and I can enjoy the priveliges that we too often take for granted; our biggest concern being how many shopping days left until Christmas, for example.

I'll step down off of my soapbox now, returning you to our regularly scheduled blog update, already in progress.

And just like that, my weeknights are gone. I'm about as lazy as they come, and combined with the fact that TiVo is evil, I don't do anything anymore. Before, if I missed a show that I liked, I missed it and moved on. Now, it's recorded and so when I get home, there's this whole list of shows that I can watch. Last night, it was The Librarian: The Quest for the Spear which was just as cheesy as it sounded, but extremely entertaining and amusing; plus, it starred Noah Wylie; need I say more? mmm, Noah Wylie

I really do need to get out and get an actual life. So this week, I am. Tonight, I'm going to Debbie's to watch The Amazing Race which I never watch, and while it is watching TV, it at least requires the effort of going somewhere. Tomorrow, there's a banquet commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Advanced Space Propulsion Laboratory, where I did one of my co-op tours. Thursday, I'm going to a scrapbooking party. Friday, I have soccer. Saturday, I'm going to go to a friend's to bake cookies. Or something. Baking involved, but of what, I don't know yet. And then finally, Sunday, I'm going to go see Singin' in the Rain with Jen and Becca.

Okay, so Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are not weeknights (well, Sunday is), but they're in there just to show that I'm really being Little Miss Social this week.

On Sunday, I was bit by a couple of fire ants. Minor, but damn, they itch. And itch and itch and itch. I've put bandaids over the bites to keep me from breaking the blisters. MAN it itches. My foot is pretty much all better, and so now I can concentrate on just how much these stupid things itch. They're worse than mosquito bites; I know, I got those, too, on Sunday.

I have decided that I'm in love with Firefox. It's a new web browser which I like infintely better than Explorer; for one, it has a built-in Google search bar, blocks pop-ups automatically, and (most importantly) has a cool little logo. It's like Apple in that it's better than the alternative in most things, but still has a few areas that need work; a couple pages I've had problems with, but otherwise, it's awesome.

Enough free promotion.

Will seems to think that I'm "too busy" to write and only used him for his dad's Segway. Well, um, yeah. So? ;)

AAARRRGGGHHH these things are driving my batty. Anyone have Benedryl or some other antihistimine that I can use???

I've spent way too much time on this and I'd better to go as apparently it's been decided that I obviously don't have too much to do because I'm updating my blog. Which is not true. Later.

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