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Don't stir voodoo mystery

12:27 p.m.

A quick break from massive editing effort. It's going okay, I guess, better than I hear TP1's is going, though not through any fault of the editing team. Ours is going slow, but Kelly and Serina are also on the team and they're fun to work with.

My flat still smells like the chocolate pecan pie that I made for Thanksgiving last week. Mmm...

This morning we had an interesting lecture on the business case of Iridium/Celestri. John Egan, the professor, included these two rather amusing jokes:

The three fastest ways for a man to lose money are:
1) Gambling
2) Women
3) Investing in a company owned by an engineer.
The first way is the fastest, the second is the most enjoyable, and the third is the surest.

A high school math teacher, an engineer, and an accountant were sitting in a room and the age-old question of 2+2 came up. The math teacher immediately answers that it equals 4. The engineer shakes his head. 'No, no, no,' he says. 'It's 3.999 +/- 3 sigma.' The accountant asks, 'How much do you want it to be?'

Tee hee. 'Geez, I crack myself up.'

Thursday night we had a girl's night where we all dressed up in white blouses, black ties, short black skirts and boots, or as close to it as we could come (as Margot said, we 'tarted up'). We have a little kitchen/bar area here called the Roxy Cafe and Brooke and Bavs bought a bunch of tea lights and martini glasses and some other girls brought alcohol. Brooke, who actually was a bartender, made us all drinks and we just hung out, snacked, and chatted. Ruey was our official photographer and as soon as he downloads the pictures, I'll put up some of the better ones; meaning, ones that I'm not in. ;)

The trip to SES Global on Friday was interesting. Margot put it best: 'so the trip was cool-we had a 3 hour bus ride there, got to listen to someone (the ceo) ramble on for awhile, had lunch, more rambling, some random time freezing outside, and then a bit of a tour with more rambling.' They showed us their control center where you can basically watch about 80 TV stations at once and how Pay-TV works by ordering a movie called Carnal Knowledge. Interesting.

There were a ton of satellite dishes outside and Will and Brooke climbed up partway on the ladder of the largest one and got the look from one of our professors. They also jokingly tried to open one of the security doors with their student badge and the same professor saw them and laughed at that. They are probably the two craziest people in our bunch, so I think that the faculty and staff have become accustomed to them and their antics. Nick and I did walk around the side of the building where there were a whole lot more dishes, and when another group tried, they were told not to go there. Oops.

Friday night, Brooke, Mark, and I watched the first episode of Band of Brothers. It was incredible.

Well, back to editing. Ahh, the joy. I am, however, learning Latex and emacs, and that is pretty neat, and more fun than the actual editing part.

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