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While visions of -mme, -re, -our, and -ise's danced in my head...

6:00 p.m.

So trying to write in British English is like learning another language. Trying to remember that it's 'programme', 'travelling' and 'colour' and 'metre' and 'organise' and not 'program', 'traveling', 'color', 'meter', or 'organize' is enough to make anyone insane. Especially when you're half-way through a document and realize, er, realise that you've forgotten to be checking for that.


This thing is really brutal. I feel like I'm back at university. Oh wait, I am. It's dark when I come, it's dark when I leave. Certainly quite unable right now to appreciate the fact that I'm in beautiful Strasbourg and there's an amazing Christkindlmarkt going on. I could be anywhere. And tonight, it's likely that I'm going to stay the night here.


There's white stuff on the ground already, but that's just frost, tho' it was enough to cause Hawaiian-born Serina to get all excited, but dang it, if it's going to be this freakin' cold then there needs to be something to show for it. And by it, I mean snow. However, the forecast only shows rain and slightly warmer weather. Meaning it climbs back just above freezing. Pooh.

Brooke's mom is sending her a package, and including something for me. I love getting stuff from people that I don't even know. AND props to Katie AND Becca who are both sending me packages. You love me, you really love me! AND I've forgotten to mention that Aaron wrote me two letters, and I've received cards and postcards, too. I have awesome friends. AND Becca and Sarah are planning on coming to visit in February and will be here on my birthday. Oh, and Kelly gave me an Advent calendar. How sweet is that? Awesome. Okay, my day just got a whole lot better thinking about all of that!

Except now my computer has just decided that it doesn't like my Last of the Mohicans CD. It actually doesn't like my Lord of the Rings CD, either.

For our 'lunch club' today, Bavs made curry with spices handpicked by her grandmother in India. Except she (Bavs) got a little happy with the chili powder and we were all sniffling by the end of lunch, even her. Will tried to be a man and pretend that he wasn't affected. However, I don't mind spicy and it was quite excellent.

Ah criminy. Just found out that ISU uses American English. And the whole bloody document is written in British.


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