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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

"Take care of the minutes, and the hours and years will take care of themselves." -Anonymous

"Love doesn't make the world go round. Love is what makes the ride worthwhile." -F.P. Jones

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Go sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here.

1:49 p.m.

Okay, so today is not my day. First, I'm late for class. Second, I snag my brand-new shirt on a door knob (never had that happen before) and rip off two buttons. Third, I almost choke to death on hot OJ and honey (a drink that the market sells along with the vin chaud). Finally, I get chocolate on the shirt and drip lunch on it. Nice. Okay, so maybe it's not necessarily the day, but maybe it's that the shirt's bad luck, which is too bad because I like it (duh, as otherwise I wouldn't have bought it). Anyway.

I also discovered that stealing computers can build up quite an appetite. Not that I know personally, but can only assume from the realization that 1.25 kilos of Belgian chocolate were also taken from the car with the laptops. I discovered this yesterday when looking for the boxes and couldn't find them and realized that I didn't remember even taking them out of the car and I know they weren't left in there when we returned it because Kelly and I had cleaned it out. I had bought a kilo of assorted chocolate truffles for my parents and a quarter for my grandmother from a nice chocolate store in Brussels. Never mind the passports or IDs or anything, but chocolate is important.

Last night I watched Charlie's Angels 2 with Kelly. It was a lot of fun, and we had a good time making fun of the movie. SO cheesey, but that's the whole point and I enjoyed it.

By the way, if anyone is planning on sending me a package that won't fit into a small mailbox, send it to the school. This is the address:

International Space University
Strasbourg Central Campus
Parc d'Innovation
1 rue Jean-Dominique Cassini
67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden

Thanks. Otherwise, I'll have to go to the post office and I'm not even sure how it works for packages.

3:36 p.m.

Today starts my week of horror where I live at ISU and likely off of more McDonald's than I've ever had in my life (due to the fact that a) it's close and b) open late) because today is when all of the sub-groups' submissions are due and we, the editing team, spend the next week trying to organize, format, and edit about 150-pages worth of text, images, graphs, etc. Can we say FUN? Either I'll write very short entries, none at all, or they will consist of random late-night ramblings, the content of which I dissolve myself of any responsibility.

Friday is shot because that's when we travel to SES Global in Luxembourg. Oh, I am so NOT looking forward to this weekend.

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