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mission control still turns blue before each launch


Today is launch day.

I've been sitting here since 3:30 this morning, with launch still another 8 hours and 45 minutes away. When I get off, I have to go home and sleep in case we don't launch and I end up having to come back in tomorrow to do the prelaunch shift again. However, everything is marching along smoothly for an on-time launch at 6:38 p.m. (CDT). It's been a slow and uneventful shift (which is good; eventful=BAD). I've spent pretty much the entire time updating our console books with last-minute changes; mindless, time-eating work - good thing because sleep last night? Not so much. A malfunctioning A/C unit and two restless dogs a good night's sleep do not make. Right now, I'm running high on tea and macaroni and cheese - a winning combination!

Keep up-to-date with the countdown here.

It is interesting working this shift; I'm privy to the prelaunch telecons and meetings and such and I was able to watch on TV as the sun rose behind the shuttle stack. I always forget just how great I have it until I'm staring at the bird on TV, gassed up and ready to go. Now, I'm really excited (or maybe that's just the caffeine) because this is NOT a sim, this is real and I'm a part of it! Those Flight Controllers you see on TV? I be one o'them.

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