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beyond tang


I am tired. I've been averaging 7 hours of sleep this week, which, for long periods of time, is right on the edge for me. Some people think that you can "train" yourself to function on less sleep, but most of what I've read disagrees. I think maybe you just get used to less sleep, not that your body is trained. However, I do have to say that this entire week, I've managed to fall asleep quickly and completely, waking up for hardly anything. Which, as my roommates will tell you, is nothing short of amazing.

That ability will come in especially handy today when I go home and try to take a nap late this afternoon in preparation for coming in at 3:30 tomorrow morning to work the prelaunch shift. Funny sidenote: Yesterday we had a walkthrough of the activation procedure and it came up that the guy I am to hand over to didn't think he was coming in until Saturday. That would have made for an interesting situation - "Hey, er, you planning on coming in soon?" "Nope." Funny now, not so funny tomorrow.

Speaking of spaceflight, I woke up this morning to NPR talking about food in space. They had several ex-astronauts and food specialists. I actually sometimes serve as a "panelist" for trying out new space food recipes. Today, for example, we are sampling water. Seriously.

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