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please, bring me my wine


There are times when having a stick shift sucks: 1) stuck in traffic 2) right hand injured 3) left foot injured. I've experienced all three, and currently, it's #3. Last night I had a soccer game (I played pretty badly, which is disappointing, but oh well) and at the beginning of the second half, I went up against an opposing player and there was this loud smack! and then my ankle hurt like all kinds of hell and I had to go out, but not after stealing the ball away from my opponent and kicking it up field! Aw yeah! :)

I ended up sitting the rest of the game out. I felt (and still do feel) like the biggest baby because there's no swelling or anything to show that something's wrong, but it still hurts like the devil and I'm still limping. It's not so very bad when I'm walking, but the slightest wrong shift of weight or jar and I catch my breath. I'm hoping that it'll be fine for Friday's game, especially since it's my left foot that hurts and I'm left footed. Driving is also fun, since I use my left foot to shift. Joys of soccer. I brought Bennet to the game, and he had a blast, and managed to find the mud and lay in it (typical boy). Poor dog doesn't get as much exercise as he needs, so it helps to bring him to the games where he gets to run around.

This weekend I went to Dickens on the Strand and was a beer wench. :) It was great. I'd actually never poured beer from a tap before, but now I'm a wiz. I even know how to make a black and tan. And it was so cool. I didn't know that this existed. Becca teases me a lot about being such a Victorian, and I know that I can be, and now I have an excuse to dress up and fake a British accent and let all of that pent up Victorian England out. I can't wait until next year!!! I have to get a real costume now; I've always wanted one, and now I have an excuse to not only buy one, but to wear it! Hee hee. Such fun. There was even a snow yard for kids under 12, with real snow. And they said there's no snow in Houston!

After Dickens, drove to BFE, aka Tomball, to watch Nick prance around in tights as an Arab and a Spanish dancer in the Nutcracker; missed his performance as the Snow King, due to his bad directions and my incompetence. :) Ah well. It was still fun, and I love the Nutcracker. Always have; I collect them, in fact. My prize is currently a Nightwatchman nutcracker that I bought in Rothenburg, Germany. And which I have to go find because I had it shipped back here.

Sunday's performance of the Nutcracker was for children where they only did the first half of the show and afterwards, the cast went out into the audience. Nick told us about how one little girl told him that her favorite part was when he lifted up the girl and asked if he would lift her up. He said sure, and as soon as he put her on his shoulder, all of the other little girls lined up to have him lift them up, too! Which, he did. (Altogether now) Awww, how cute.

Okay, well, back to work. I'm not having the greatest Monday so far, but I'm hoping it will straighten out (see, not quite so cranky as last couple of weeks).

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