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In trying to be healthier, I've started eating yogurt, even though I'm not a big fan of it. Today, my strawberry yogurt says "sell by Oct 25". Some people (you know who you are), would have tossed it on the 26th. Then there's me, eating it almost two weeks later. It looks fine, and it tastes fine, so why not? The "sell by" date isn't even an expiration date, and even that is more a suggestion than anything. It's not like it's going to be fine on the 25th and then grow feet the next day. Still, since yogurt contains active cultures, two weeks past the "sell by" date, I can't help but wonder just how active the cultures are by now... I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. I had blueberry yogurt yesterday and I'm perfectly fine.

By the way, anyone else notice that the trees have suddenly started talking?

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