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"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." -Morrow

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launch - 4...


For my flight control position, we have three backroom positions, with the creative names of "Transfer", "Data" and "Systems". What they do is not important for this story. However, due to lack of personnel, management is trying out combining the Data and Systems into a single, "Super Systems" position. I am one of the inaugural Super Systems, working the mission that's launching on Friday.

Today, I was studying a document and became confused on the power configuration of a system. It didn't fit with what I know, so I thought I'd ask someone; sometimes easier than digging through miles of drawings, right? Since this is a Data-type question, I decided I was going to go ask one of the Datas on our flight. But, I couldn't think of any. I was so ashamed; I couldn't even remember who the Datas were on my mission! How ridiculous! That's when I saw our lead Transfer walking down the hall.

"Hey, I'm drawing a blank. Who are the Datas on our mission?"

The look he gave me said, you're joking, right? When it became apparent that I was serious, he spoke. "Um, you."

Oh, riiight. Oops.

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